Next, launch up Victoria 2 either vanilla or with any mods. To the right of the power button there will be an IP, right click on the IP and click “Copy !Pv44 address” or on Radmin it will just say “Copy IP”. They will type in the Network ID and password. Next, your friends will click on “Network” then “Join an existing network”. Next you will type in a Network ID which is like a name, just make it simple like “Victoria 2 bois” and type in a password.
Next you are going to click on “Network” then “Create a new network”. First, you are going to need to make sure the power button is either yellow (Hamachi) or blue (Radmin). You will know when you have completed the steps when a menu pops up that looks like the menu to the right. Download the software and follow the steps. First, go to the website I have linked after the names of the software. They both work the same and should help you. There is two softwares I trust, one is called Radmin () and the other one is called Hamachi (). The first method I will be explaining is third-party software.