Hold CMD when launching the game to access language and configuration options. Up to 4 players online or 2 player split-screen coop. Talk to animals and ghosts to gain unique insights about the world and its secrets. Turn-based combat featuring the elements of nature: combine fire, earth, water, air and everything in between to take down your enemies. Explore a vast world full of loot, treasures, upgrades, and stories with unprecedented branching narratives. Play as one of 5 fantasy races, each with their own personalities and stories: Elves, Dwarves, Lizards, Humans, and the Undead.
Warning: before purchasing, please verify if your machine meets the requirements listed below. Your choices matter, so choose wisely, and know that only one of you can become the new Divine! Form a party and experience true branching gameplay with a story unique to each player, in a world filled with evil and abandoned by the gods. Having won over 160 awards and nominations including a BAFTA, Divinity: Original Sin 2 finally comes to Mac.